L.Y.D.I.A Ladies Book Club Meeting

Posted on Fri, Jan 20, 2012:

Join us!

Next meeting February 18th at 11:30 am. CDC hall.

Book for this quarter: Hope Under Construction by: Dr. Gene Getz. Prayerfully everyone is Reading the 1st - 4 chapters and will be ready for

Discussion. You are awesome women of God and you my dear can do all things through Christ.

I will post questions, comments, and some Key points about these chapters to the web site. Please watch for post. 

Q #1) What did Nehemiah do so that he could devote his time to prayer?

Q #2) How would Nehemiah approach the Lord?

Q #3) What happen in the mind and heart of Nehemiah as he prayed?

You can go to the home page, sign in to create an Account so that you will be put on our prayer list and updated on coming events.

Abundant Blessings 

Club Creed of Conduct:

While we are in the group, we will give the group priority.

All members will be ready and willing to participate in discussions and no one will dominate.

We will respect everyone's opinion. All questions are encouraged and suggested. 

Anything of a personal matter that is discussed, mentioned or said in the meetings are never to be repeated outside of the meeting.

The group will stay open to invite new members.

We will have permission to call upon each other in times of need for prayer support, without being disrespectful of one another's time and/or needs.

Unsolicited personal advice is not allowed. 

We will all agree to do all we can to work within the group to make it better for all involved.

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